Integrated Design Process

Integrated Design Process (IDP) is a collaborative design approach that is intended to optimize performance, cost, occupant comfort and resilience of a residential building. 

IDP examines the needs and performance of a building throughout its lifecycle with the goal of ensuring that the objectives of the builder are met. It involves engaging the builder and their team including designers, mechanical contractor, energy advisor, plumber, electrician, framers, and insulators – at an early design stage - in a meeting or series of meetings call a "charrette".

As an example, if framers are made aware of energy efficiency goals, they can use more advanced framing techniques to eliminate unnecessary structural elements, leaving more room for insulation. More insulation and a building envelope that's tighter, allows the HVAC contractor to install smaller units. Smaller equipment and greater insulation result in greater energy savings over time. This is just one way that the use of IDP improves the energy efficiency of a project through better communication.


A report which summarizes the following:
•Project overview (project location, housing type, number of units, construction timelines)
• Attendees of visioning and charrette workshops
• Visioning session and charrette notes
• Observations of performance benchmarking activities
• Modelling and design optimization results
• Proposed solutions
• Lessons learned, key strategies and knowledge derived from the process of performing envelope and
mechanical design, and/or IDP.


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